Fab4hose Philosophy
The components are the heart of the product.
How does the mind interpret reality?
Our mind reads reality through unconscious metaphors: for our mind, reality is too complex, and therefore, it interprets it through simpler concepts.
How does the mind conceive of components?
When we think of components, our mind ignites some simple concepts.
To the mind, the component is a negligible detail.
To our mind, at an unconscious level, components today are nothing more than a negligible detail and do not constitute a relevant element.
How do we intend to change the understanding of components?
We believe that this incorrect understanding of the importance of components can change: our task is to make people understand that although components are smaller than the products they contribute to creating, they are located inside the products, hidden from view, but this does not mean they are not relevant.
If we can make people understand that components are inside products, hidden within larger and more complex structures but are the center of the products, their heart, then tomorrow, components will have all the consideration and importance that they truly deserve.
How does our brand philosophy promote the importance of components?
From this new conception of the importance of components, our brand philosophy is born: the passion that moves us comes from the conviction that the component is the true strength of the product, our vision is that the component is the heart of the product, and our mission is to innovate components by collaborating with our clients.
Why is our brand focused on silicone components?
Our work with components is specifically dedicated to silicone components.
This is for three reasons:
Silicone is not manufactured from petroleum. Its production process eliminates the environmental impact of oil extraction.
We promote component innovation because technological products are systems of components that are becoming more innovative and challenging in terms of the performance required from the components
Component quality is first and foremost a personal and individual value, but it also has deep collective roots in the best industrial culture worldwide, shared by thousands of entrepreneurs, technicians, and researchers in every country.
Component quality of a product cannot be achieved without the maturity and sense of personal responsibility of those responsible for purchasing the components themselves.