Quality Policy
FAB4.0 HOSE SL has implemented a Quality Management System according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard, to ensure, maintain and improve the level of service to our customers.
We believe that if we have managed to ensure that our customers continue to trust us, it is because through our products and services we ensure safety, reliability and quality levels that exceed industry standards.
Our quality system is based on the following points:
- We are focused on providing a comprehensive service to our customers based on our products and services, with the highest quality in all processes and always meeting the needs and expectations of customers. To do this, we put the customer at the center of our business, prioritizing and giving the importance they deserve through the evaluation of their satisfaction, as well as providing constant after-sales support.
- We offer our workers and collaborators the opportunity to participate in the Project with stability, security, training and guarantee.
- Professionally, you’ll always be up to date with the people competencies needed for risk management that are analyzed through the context of the Organization.
- Go beyond compliance with both our legal requirements and those of our clients since we apply continuous improvement and innovation. In this sense, annually, within the framework of the Management Review, we establish the company’s quality objectives.
- The maintenance and improvement of the current position in the sector of the manufacture of silicone connections and other materials.
- The policy is communicated to all company personnel and other interested parties, as well as reviewed annually within the framework of the Management Review.
Sueca-Valencia February 14, 2022